Friday, 16 January 2015

Productive 2015!

For a productive career 2015, by now, you must have made a list, started with a few and missed on a few resolutions, ALREADY. You can’t hide that smile! But the inner desire in you to improve your past is undoubtedly the motive for a better YOU! To further and to work better.

"I will lose weight this year" a vague resolution.
Really? How much weight? And by when? After you eat that favourite rasgulla of yours?

“I am for sure applying to 2 jobs daily" a perfect resolution!
Open than best friend of yours, Google out, and APPLY! Has technology made it really that simple? Yes, of course! and most importantly the job search engines have.

Sitting at your desk, day long, answering the never ending list of mails and telephones, stressing your back, might not really look flowery every year. How do you go ahead then? SMARTness!

Your SMARTness determines how your whole year goes. SMARTness in your way of optimizing resources, SMARTness in your job search and SMARTness in your decisions.

A New YEAR is giving rise to budding entrepreneurs and IT Industry, ultimately generating more employment opportunities all over the world. Similarly, the number of Universities and Colleges adding in each year, showcases the number of students ready to take up a job.

The competition is like a war ground, if one loses focus for even a single minute, the other takes advantage, and the job lands up in his/her diligent hands.

* Do a self-brain assessment, jot down everything inside out and work towards it.

* Set up a TO-DO list every day for you to raise and raise in your career this year.

* A little polish to your RESUME, the only face of you online, makes it a necessity.

* INNOVATION: Welcome new ideas and new methods of thinking and doing.

* Spending your TIME well? Why not stick a paper on your wall and write what you have done every 3 hours? This will definitely boost up your motive of a successive year. Try an App!

* Learn to say NO, a principle that I have been following since ages, which helped me reach a safe market stand today. But mind it, don't say it the wrong way, idealize a few lines that will help you to graciously decline.

* Take a BREAK! For your SMARTness to reach peaks this bright year, make sure you take that enough break every some time. Dance a step on your favourite number, move out in the fresh breeze, stretch yourself and take that required nap.

Whatever you do, short term or long-term goals, be honest with yourself as to what you would really like to succeed in, measure it realistically and make this year your MOST productive year.

Happiest year of you career!

Saturday, 10 January 2015

5 marvellous Business Resolutions for 2015!

Start up? SME? MNC?

Any business you belong, a new year is a perfect chance to make yourself or your company better. I’m sure each one of you must have tried your hands on a couple of resolutions or at least thought of them.

Here are a 5 marvellous Business Resolutions for 2015!

1.      NO EMAIL Hours: Mobile Apps changing the whole working scenario, individuals/ Businesses are now option to send in an EMAIL at any point of the day, or event night. Do not entertain any Emails in your NO EMAIL hours planned neither send one to your team. Your employees need their time off too!

2.      Bring in FUN DAYS: Fix one day in a month and HAVE FUN! Be it just 2 hours on any given day, on any Just like That project, or a random act of kindness! Believe me, YOU and your team will love thinking Out of the Box!

3.    CLOCK in accurate: Time is Value! Time is also Money! Be in time and see Time work for you and not you working for the time. Appreciate yours as well as other’s time as its valuable to everybody.

4.      Who’s waiting for an AWARD? : Recognition is one sexy motivator people die for. If they work, they also would love to get rewarded. A simple word “Great Job” ignites passion in the employees. Don’t be a squirrel, this year start expressing more to your employees. Don’t forget to check the performance meter by the end! You’ll be surprised!

5.     Coffee Time: This is something which is not always enjoyed alone. Why not you try a cup of coffee with your awesome team for 5 minutes, twice each week. This is an ice breaker and also an informal means to be updated of what’s going on within your own organisation.

I’m sure you would like to read them the second time, make a note and follow them.
So GET SET GO! Happy Resolutions Year!


Friday, 9 January 2015

Hello January!

A year has ended and a new has just started. New YEAR, New HOPES!

Looking  for a new place, left back where I was

Looking for big projects, managed a few medium sized
Aiming new life, still hold back in the past
A faith deep inside still staying strong!

Closing on a beautiful year, filled with ups and downs, the beauty of the very existence made it all worth. Hearty warm welcome to this month of January and to the whole year ahead hoping for the better than what I was last year!

You are most Welcome January :)